Friday, 28 August 2009

Webcam Photos


Thought I'd make a searing commentary on profile photos, this applies to girls mainly but also boys, you're the culprits here too. Just because you took a grainy shot on your free webcam from Natwest when you opened an 11-17 account (I had one, it was shit) does not make it a natural shot. You know what I'm talking about - those people on your friends list (or may even be you) who have their profile pictures taken by a webcam. Nothing wrong with that, I even have one, but mine however, is me dressed up as Frank. If you don't know who Frank is, this is him.

I probably am the wrong Frank to talk to, if you've taken some e's that were a bit naughty.

Some people know that everyone knows that they're posing for the camera to get a nice profile shot. Good on ya, each to their own. I've never seen any particularly great webcam shots, but their grainy quality and subdued tones has it own sort of whimsy.

The shots I love however are the ones which are usually accompanied by the caption. '~**JuSt mE hAnGiNg oUt iN mAh rOom**~' (translation: that says 'Just me, hanging out in mah room'). You know just shooting the breeze with a full face of make up on, hair artfully tousled and their Sunday best. And the poses! And the captions!

I've noticed that guys who aren't very aesthetically appealing usually tend to munch on steroids and Nurishment (not a typo) and spend all day pumping iron. They then take pictures of their arms, or torso, usually cutting out the face. Although most of them are usually taken on phones, in the mirror, some are on webcam. But I've never been much into guys with no heads. And usually it is them, just 'hanging' out and thinking 'HEY, I'm buff (body not face). Let's take a photo'. Comments following on from other's praises usually stem from 'I don't work out that much, it's all natural' to 'BRUUUUUUUUUUV, I pumped 50kg the other day, what you on still 35kg?'

There is a webcam pose for every occasion. In honour of webcam poses, I have decided to take a few, of me just 'chillinz' in my room.

This is me, just about to have a nap.

This is me after I forgot to take the rubbish out.

This is me after I ate a cheese sandwich, wipe away those crumbs!

This is me, trying to remember if I left the oven on.

This is me, whistling 'Tiny Dancer'.

This is me, respiring.

Shit, I did leave the oven on, there's going to be some baked-on grease tonight!

**NOTE**:My webcam is built into my laptop, so the quality is oh so slightly better.


  1. The glasses make you look like Jeanette from The Chipettes. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    One guy at school (back when hi5 was the social networking site of choice) uploaded a new display picture of him topless in the bathroom and the caption was 'me jus out da showa' but he failed to acknowledge his gelled up spiky hair.

  2. Thanks... although she is the buffest of all the Chipettes. My sister always says I resemble a chipmunk.

  3. She definitely is. Update your blog!

  4. I'm busy! I have packing and work to do. I have not finished packing, and I still got work to do. Argh.


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